Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Benefits of raspberry oil for skin

Instead of purchasing commercially manufactured skin care products, there are many natural skin care products around us. A few common natural products are coconut oil, Avocado, Aloe Vera, sea salt. Among these products, raspberry oil is particularly beneficial to skin. In this post, we will discuss the benefits of raspberry oil for skin.

Before describing the impacts of raspberry on our skin, let's know something about raspberry itself. The fruit has more than 200 variations which are spread around the world. Have you noticed or not, raspberry has many similarities with rose. Look at the branches of rose and raspberry. They have a similar structure.    

Raspberry has medicinal properties. Once, the fruit was used to treat stomach and throat diseases. However, in recent time natural oil extracted from raspberry is widely used for skin care. The oil is unbelievably beneficial to skin. Let’s back to our main discussion: the importance of raspberry oil for skin.

The first importance of raspberry oil is the oil has two important fatty acids. One is linoleic and the other is linolenic acids. These two acids are categorized as essential fatty acids that the human body cannot synthesize. But they are immensely important as they are beneficial to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory diseases. Since our body cannot produce essential acids, one way of getting essential acids is eating foods containing those acids.  Raspberry also contains many important vitamins for example, vitamin A and Vitamin E.

Importance of raspberry for skin:
  • The raspberry oil can be used as a sunscreen lotion to protect your skin from harmful UV radiation. UV radiation is believed to cause skin cancer. The radiation comes with the sunlight. When your skin is exposing to sunlight, the chances are that the skin gets direct contact with UV radiation. You can coat your skin with raspberry oil and thus stop direct exposure of UV radiation.

·       The chemical composition of raspberry oil is Vitamin A, Vitamin E, essential fatty acids like linoleic and linolenic acids. Researchers found that these ingredients are essential for nourishing our skin. That is why commercially manufactured skin care products include all of these ingredients. But in raspberry oil, all of these vitamins and fatty acids are available naturally. So, both raspberry oil and store bought skin care products have the same skin nourishing potential.
·         Linolenic acid and linolenic acid keeps the skin moisturize. The importance of Vitamin E is it keeps the skin wrinkle free. Thus, you will not look like you are ageing. Vitamin A is also a great anti-aging ingredient.

·         Another great importance of applying raspberry oil on your skin is the oil is a great remedy to treat eczema. Eczema is an irritating skin disease. Peoples skin become rough and turn red when they contact with Eczema.

Applying commercially available skin care products on our skin is not a good idea since they are made of artificially synthesized ingredients. Some of these artificial ingredients may cause adverse effects on the skin. In other words, skin care products manufactured artificially have many side effects. On the other hand,  raspberry oil has no side effects. So, it is good thinking about applying raspberry oil on our skin.

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